About Thorn

T. Thorn Coyle worked in many strange and diverse occupations before settling in to write full time. A student of the magical arts for over forty years, they have taught in nine countries, on four continents, and in twenty-five states.

Thorn is the author of several magic-filled series with diverse casts: the Seashell Cove Paranormal Mysteries, the Pride Street Paranormal Cozy Mysteries, TheSteel Clan SagaThe Witches of Portland, the Mouse Thief Cozy Fantasy Capers, and The Panther Chronicles.

Thorn’s multiple non-fiction books include You Are the Spell, Sigil Magic for Writers, Artists & Other Creatives, Kissing the Limitless, Make Magic of Your Life, and The Midlist Indie Author Mindset.

A nonbinary, neurodivergent mystic with a chronic illness, Thorn lives in beautiful Portland Oregon where they talk to crows, squirrels, trees, and cats.